Yadi Yadi Yadda

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Two daredevils out on a walk

(all pics courtesy of our cell/camera phones) They say to savor the moment, well I guess you could say that last night we did just that. My girls and I go for walks in the evenings, at least twice a week. Kez and I went to the beach for our walk. It was much later than we normally go. And we could not go to our normal spot, because they are modifying the beach. The storms of a couple years back really ate away at the shoreline. So the city is adding more sand etc. Trying to salvage what the sea wants to claim. Needless to say, the sea is vicious. And does not give up easily.

I told Kez that it was to late to walk because the tide was coming in fast and furious like. She felt assured we could still do it. We walked almost a mile and half, and by the time we came back to the car the sea was in our way. Kez said, "Mom you can climb the wall." I am not a climber, Terra Firma and I still have our issues. However ,I did not have a choice. For those of you who are not from here, night time is feeding time for Sharks. Needless to say, I could visualize my leg hanging from the wall, as I attempted to scale it and Mr. Sharkey shark taking his lady out for their nightly snack date. And taking a nibble out of my temptingly prime cut deliciously juicy calfy calf. Sorry, but I don't want to be somebody else's Big Mac. I like and need my legs :)

I scaled the wall in record time, adrenalin pumping, excitement running in the high tens, legs , and body moving in super dooper mach one, nitro mode, long skirt dangling in the water getting wetter and wetter by the minuet. The batmobile and the General Lee had nothing on me, I tell you. I was so proud of myself. And just as Kez reached a hand to help pull my hefty self up and out, out slipped her sunglasses. She made a feeble attempt to grab them but the dark, swirling angry sea gobbled them up right before our eyes. And what do you suppose my daughter said, "That was kinda fun, wasn't it?" I'm afraid I have to agree with her there is something magically delicious about beating danger. Now grant you, I don't often do it. And certainly do not attempt to make a habit of it.
So, today as we proceeded to go for our walk, at our regular time. . .as we parked we notice that there were camera crews from different tv stations out on the very spot of our prior exciting experience and we knew something had happened. There are many things that can happen at the beach, and we speculated as to the why? Maybe, a whale has beached itself, or maybe they have found drugs that have washed ashore, or Cuban refugee rafts. Maybe someone drowned or a body was found etc. I told Kezia I would find out what all the ruckus was about much to her embarrassment. And so we asked some fellow walkers and lo and behold a little six year old boy was bit by a shark, but he is okay. So I guess, Mr. Sharkey Shark did not have his big Mac, instead he had a chicken nugget. Thank God he wasn't very hungry and just had a snack.

You just never know what God protects you from. I am convinced that someday when we get to heaven we will be amazed at how many close calls we encountered and never knew. And at how many times God's hand reached down and pulled us up and out of unknown predicaments, and yet He never lost his sunglasses.

Because he always carries us through.. . .

God's will won't lead us to where his grace cannot reach

posted by Perfectly Aged at 6:01 PM


So glad you still have your "prime cut deliciously juicy calfy calf". Life sure would be difficult with out them both. Thanks for the laugh. I had to read this to my children...we have been studying sharks. One rule to remember (according to the book) if you ever see a shark in the water with you, stay calm and don't hurry to get out of the water. RIGHT!!!! LOL

9:52 PM  

The little boy that got bit was bit in about 3ft of water he said that he was walking and thought it was a skateboard/I'm sure he meant boogie board, he said it bumped up against him and next thing he knew he had been bit. There were other people in the water. One thing about sharks they bite but rarely if ever do we here of death. Gators on the other hand are fatal. Thanks for the comment :)

3:59 AM  

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